The 33rd Annual Billie Gibbs Memorial Golf Tournament July 17-18th, 2019 Amelia river Golf Club Amelia Island, Florida
Eulin Gibbs welcomed everyone to the meeting and called the meeting to order. The minutes for 2018 were read. Gary Register made a motion to accept the minutes and Paul 2nd the motion. Motion Carried.
Everyone then sang Happy Birthday to the King! Bill Gibbs chimed in he like being 2 years younger than Eulin.
It was reminded that tee times start shotgun at 8:00 am so there will be a group photo at 7:45 am.
Old Business A report was given on the executive committee’s meeting where they discussed adding some new awards to the tournament.
Jeff Slocum Senior Open Champion. Jeff was a great player in in the early years of the tournament and won the overall title 3 years in a row from 1992-94. In 1995 the tournament was held in Milledgeville at Little Fishing Creek Golf Course. Duane Camps a lefty that was from the Gary Register connection came to play. He stayed close the whole tourney and in the end everyone cheered him on as he took down Jeff who up to that point seemed invincible. It ended up being Duane’s one and only Open win. Jeff loved the tourney and played until he could no longer participate and he passed away in 2012. He sent this letter to the committee the year before 2011 he passed away and never made it back to the tourney. The committee decided to create the Jeff Slocum Senior Open Champion for any player over 50 with an 8 or lower handicap. Those with a 9 and over are still eligible for the Jack Gibbs Memorial Open.
The board also decided to create the Hoyt Washington Super Senior Champion for those players 68 and up. Those players will be eligible to hit from the gold tees. Hoyt was brought into the tournament by Bill Gibbs. Bill met Hoyt who had a doctorate degree and was the superintendent of schools in Milledgeville, Ga. They met in Golden Corral the week he took his new job as the superintendent. He was known as Dr. Washington by everyone. When they met he told Bill he was an Auburn graduate and his name was Hoyt and Bill asked him if he played golf. That week they met at Little Fishing Creek and he played in the Billie in the early 1990’s and many years to come. He was like a grandfather to Bill and Tammy’s children who always referred to him simply as Hoyt. Hoyt in currently in this mid 80’s and still finds time to play a round or two a month. Bill said in one Billie he was playing with Hoyt and Hoyt was standing over his ball and Bill said he heard Hoyt talking to himself. He said he got close enough to listen and this is what Hoyt said. “I’m 150 yards out, laying of the side of a hill 8 iron in my hand, cross breeze coming in my face, ball under a tree and bees buzzing over my head. Hold steady and play the fade.” Bill said he nailed it in the center of the green.
New Business Eulin stated there will be 5 Flights this year with along with the Championship flight. All players were instructed to give their scorecards to the pro when finished with each round.
Proximity placements will be Longest drive #13, Closest to pin #17, Longest putt # 5. Eulin said in the Billie the ball is played down on all shots until you putt out. New rules for the course were discussed. If local club allows where there are no red stakes & loose it or white stakes and it goes out of bounds, you can go over to where it went out and drop and hit 4. If there are red stakes drop and hit 3. Local rules allow you to drop out if lost ball. If lost the group agrees where it went out and lateral out drop 2 club lengths in fairway and hit 4.
Paul then shouted can you call a provisional? This created a conversation which quickly escalated into an argument which became a free for all back and forth with everyone talking over everyone so Bill couldn’t record this portion of the meeting.
Paul said if he hits one in the palmetto but not sure if lost and hits a 2nd in the palmetto and can’t find the 1st or 2nd drops and then hitting 6. Marshall Hall pulled it up online and stated this is what the USGA says and he should know because he plays in a lot of sanctioned tourneys. He said “thank you as I’m a wealth of knowledge and by the way don’t be bringing up the Louise crap?”
You may putt with the flag stick in but you must putt out. Paul reminded everyone if you forget and pick up it’s a 2-stroke penalty. I “Bill” am thinking as I’m listening to this. Heck if I’m 60 feet out I’m probably better off picking up and taking 2 than 4 putt from here.
Eulin stated if you don’t know a rule and have to play 2 balls play both explain to the pro and take the score he says you should receive. John stated if you move your ball be sure to mark it because not everyone you play with is you friend during the Billie and will remind you.
Duke reminded everyone we would be doing the electronic scoring on line and needed on representative from each group to keep scores. As he called out the foursomes for scorers it was noted that Alex Malcom said I like this because I will cheat.
A big shout out went out to John and Paul Gibbs for the golf hats that they bought and Winston Gibbs designed. Old Business again
Duke Gibbs stated he was just the messenger so don’t shoot him he was just relaying information sent thru him via his brother Aaron. Aaron could not attend because he has 3 children under the age of 3 and asked for the following motion to be presented. One golfer who played in 2018 in the opening round on Friday but not Saturday was not awarded the Louise Cup. His initials are M.H. but he won’t be publically called out. Yet Gary Voorhees got the Louise Cup in 2004. Alex Malcom 2nd the motion. It was noted Gary played in the first round sustained and injury forcing his withdrawal.
M.H. who was present, cough, cough, Marshall Hall jumped up and stated. “When Tiger Woods withdrawals he doesn’t get classified as missing the cut he just WD’s. Marshall said something about having a chip off which made no sense. Eulin said Marshall is just trying to divert our attention and called for a vote. The motion was defeated 38-1. M.H. sat down and mumbled something about being the 2004 Open Champion and getting no respect.
Alex Malcom stated his first year as an cocky18 year old first Billie stepped up on opening tee and stripped one dead down the middle about 240. Snatched up his tee and strutted over to the cart. He hit his 2nd shot O.B.
New Business Again
Lincoln Register brought up the topic of discussion on the Louise Cup and is there an age limit. Brother John stated the Executive committee would meet and discuss those 68 and above would no longer be eligible for the Louise.
Marshall Hall. I make a motion that once the tourney is over we cannot go back and change history. Paul Gibbs yelled out you’re a flip flopper! Alex Malcom 2nd the motion. It was voted down 37-2 with a note Alex voted against the motion.
Matt Provolne (Prielozny) made a motion the Championship flight play from the tips. Paul yells out someone 2nd the motion so we can vote it down. Someone 2nd it but couldn’t tell who and it was voted down 38-1.
Handicaps for new players
Joe Dietrich was up first and pleaded for a 35. It was noted he runs, he’s organized he’s a young 68 years old, goes to church with Paul is a Sunday School Bible teacher. He said the best round he ever shot was a 100. Joe was accused of lying. He got a 25.
Brady Burdette from Hartwell took the witness stand, I mean floor and stated he would take a 25. It was noted he was dressed in a sharp outfit and played frequently at East Lake Golf Course. It was stated in high school he once shot a 76 that included taking 12 on a par 5. Trying to gain some momentum with the mob, I mean golfers he thought he’d be cute and change his plea to a “0”. The crowd immediately took and vote and he got a “0”.
Bryan Vickery stepped up and politely asked for and 18. Said he best round was an 83. His nickname was noted as “Muffiin” Not sure why. He’s a Northeast Ga native. Someone stated if he shot a best 83 then he’ll probably improve on that in the tourney and he got a 7.
Last up was cocky little Bo Carpenter. Not even nervous he took the microphone and said gentlemen just put me down for a “3” It was noted being from Tifton He plays a lot of golf, a LOT. His goal was noted that he wanted to someday play in the Masters. He actually had a Ping Golf representative speak to him. It was noted that multiple SEC coaches have followed him. Bo acted like he was a 10-year Billie participant and said he didn’t care what he was given. Wrong thing to say as a rookie Billie participant. He was given a +5.